Welcome to my website! Please enjoy your stay! (Or not. *shrug*) Click on the categories to the left to see what kind of content I have here.

This site is mostly safe for work but I've issued warnings on any pages that might have anything even slightly NSFW. You're more likely to come across NSFW-ish text than any NSFW images on here. (actually the only nsfw images are on the fear and hunger walkthrough page iirc)

I've tried to make as many pages as I could to be mobile friendly but some pages just won't display right on a smartphone, sorry!

Some pages are very image heavy and I tried my best to make the pages be as quick as possible when it comes to loading them all.

This website is a constant work in progress. I also have a tendency to add more pages then just, uh, forget to update them. Regardless, thanks for visiting!



Book Reviews - FINALLY added new reviews!

The current mood of amriel at www.imood.com

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