Units that I haven't summoned yet that I want to use in my gameplay. There's a lot of popular units not listed here, like Luna and Ravi, and that's mostly because, uhhh, I think they're boring characters.
Set: Speed + Hit
Artifact: Abyssal Crown
Exclusive Equipment: Fire Pillar (Increases Fire Pillar's stun chance by 10%.)
Role: Guild War Debuffer - Burn
Such an awesome character. Glad she got a buff and Exclusive Equipment!
Set: Destruction + Torrent
Artifact: Alexa's Basket
Role: PVP Nuker
arby :)
Set: Speed + Hit
Artifact: Spirit's Breath
Role: PVP CR Pusher
Had a 267 Speed ALots on my old account. Even if Smilegate nerfed him (I think??) I'll still aim to build him properly again.
Set: Rage + Penetration
Artifact: Daydream Joker
Role: Banshee OHKO-er
Always thought Baiken was a very cool character despite never getting into Guilty Gear.
Set: Counter + Immunity
Artifact: Celestine
Role: PVP Reviver
Set: Speed + Torrent
Artifact: Guiding Light
Role: PVP Damage Dealer / Support
I gotta admit, I have no idea on what her role would be. I just like her design. *shrug*
Set: Destruction + Penetration
Artifact: Secret Art - Storm Sword
Exclusive Equipment: Intuition (Grants the caster stealth for 2 turns after using Blink.)
Role: PVP Damage Dealer
Set: Speed + Hit
Artifact: MS Confille
Role: PVP Opener Debuffer
One of my favorite characters in the game but sooo hard to build. She needs 300+ speed to be viable... plus she's a limited unit for... some... reason?
Set: Speed + Hit
Artifact: Alabastron
Role: PVP Buffer and Stunner
Her kit is a blast to use! don't like how the devs whitewashed rin though like seriously it's like tanya from mkx
Set: Speed + Health
Artifact: Guardian Ice Crystals
Exclusive Equipment: Destina's Grace (Increases Combat Readiness of the target by an additional 20% when using Regen.)
Role: PVP Reviver and Healer
SOOOOO imagine my surprise when I first battled Destina in Arena and she REVIVED with her S3! Geez, what a difference that makes. I had her on a counter set on the previous account and it was fun but not very good. I also adore her second outfit, it's probably my favorite skin in the game.
Set: Speed + Resist
Artifact: Unfading Memories
Exclusive Equipment: Blessing of the Goddess (Increases Combat Readiness of all allies by 15% when using Blessings of the Goddess.)
Role: PVE Healer
Set: Counter + Hit
Artifact: Iela Violin
Role: PVP Debuffer
Ah, Dizzy. She caused such a fuss when she debuted. But her skills are still nice to use and her S3 animation is funny.
Set: Speed + Hit
Artifact: Tagehel's Ancient Book
Role: PVP Debuffer
Don't know what her role would really play but I like her a lot as a character. I even made her in the Sims 4, haha.
Set: Counter + Resist
Artifact: Celestine
Exclusive Equipment: Eternally Shining Comet (Dispels one additional debuff from all allies when using Eternally Shining Comet.)
Role: PVP Support Counter Healer
blessING of the STARS
Set: Speed + Critical
Artifact: An Offer You Can't Refuse
Exclusive Equipment: The Cleaner (At the start of battle, grants stealth to the caster for 1 turn.)
Role: PVP Opener
Thought he was hot when I saw him in the Dagger Sicar cutscenes, glad he's playable now.
Set: Speed + Hit
Artifact: Sira-Ren
Role: PVP Debuffer
Set: Speed + Immunity
Artifact: Aurius
Role: PVP Tank
Her and Arby really carried me in Arena so I'll always try to add her to my PVP team, both in offense and defense. I think I had her on Elbris Ritual Sword (counterattack) previously?
Set: Counter + Health
Artifact: Holy Sacrifice
Exclusive Equipment: Repel (Grants a barrier to the caster for 2 turns when using Repel. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's max Health.)
Role: PVP Secondary Tank and Attacker
Set: Speed + Critical
Artifact: Time Matter
Exclusive Equipment: Dimensional Explosion (Increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns before attacking when using Dimensional Explosion.)
Role: PVP Secondary Attacker
Set: Speed + Health
Artifact: Touch of Rekos
Role: PVP Healer
Set: Speed + Critical
Artifact: Guiding Light
Role: PVP AOE Attacker
Set: Speed + Health
Artifact: Ancient Dragon's Legacy
Exclusive Equipment: That's Far Enough (When Suppression is activated by That's Far Enough!, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 20%.)
Role: PVP Tank and Utility
I liked her so much as a character that I kinda wanted her revolution to succeed. What a boss.
Set: Destruction + Critical
Artifact: Etica's Scepter
Exclusive Equipment: Wild Wave (Has a 35% chance to grant an extra attack with the same skill using Wild Wave. Extra attack can only be granted once per turn by the caster.)
Role: PVE AOE Attacker
I really wanted to use her as my Wyvern killer on my previous account but she kept dying. :(
Set: Speed + Immunity
Artifact: Shimadra Staff
Role: Guild War Reviver
Don't care if she's the "worst 5 star Moonlight hero", Maid Chloe will always be great in my eyes.
Set: Destruction + Critical
Artifact: Portrait of the Saviors
Exclusive Equipment: Destructive Pursuit (Grants the caster skill nullifier once after using Destructive Pursuit.)
Role: PVP Attacker
He's so cute, I love his relationship with Cerise. :3
Set: Speed + Critical
Artifact: Rhianna & Luciella
Role: PVP Cleaver
SPEED, GLORIOUS SPEED also he's cute
Set: Speed + Immunity
Artifact: Idol's Cheer
Role: Guild War Healer
Set: Attack + Critical
Artifact: Reingar's Special Drink
Exclusive Equipment: I'm With My Friends (Dispels one debuff from the caster before attacking when using You're Not Cute.)
Role: PVP and PVE Damage Dealer / Wyvern Killer
The only unit on my previous account that I miss. And WOW, wasn't expecting her to get a Exclusive Equipment. Now she's even MORE overpowered!
Set: Speed + Resist
Artifact: Shimadra's Staff
Role: PVE Healing Support
Set: Counter + Health
Artifact: Abyssal Crown
Role: PVP Debuffer - Burn + Stun
... alright, I miss her too. But she's not a limited unit like Seaside Bellona so I'll get her eventually! I hope!!
Set: Attack + Critical
Artifact: Junkyard Dog
Role: PVE Golem Killer
Set: Destruction + Critical
Artifact: Benimaru's Tachi
Role: PVE Attacker
Set: Speed + Critical
Artifact: Tagehel's Ancient Book
Role: PVP Attacker and Utility
Set: Speed + Health
Artifact: Aurius
Exclusive Equipment: Sword Storm (Dispels one more buff when using Sword Storm.)
Role: PVE Tank
Set: Lifesteal + Penetration
Artifact: Moonlight Dreamblade
Role: PVP Tank and Counter-er