Haven't unlocked Hell Raid (or whatever it's called) or Rift. Teams for Story Mode and Tower change too much for me so they won't be listed below.
Current Team: Angelica / Furious / Sigret / Muwi
I'm sooo close to a 100% win rate with this team! I might add Chloe when/if I get her but I would also like to summon her artifact for her to equip... so for now this party is complete.
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Mascot Hazel / Tamarinne / Cermia
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Zealot Carmainerose, Khawana, Mercedes
i hate golem lmao
Current Team: Angelic Montmorancy / Vivian / Bellona / Ray
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Jecht, Mercenary Helga, Silk
Yeeeah, my Banshee team isn't the best at the moment. Very fragile.
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Tamarinne / Free Spirit Tieria / Vildred
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Unbound Knight Arowell, Adventurer Ras, Falconer Kluri, Mercedes,
Vildred is definately staying in the party, just gotta remember to turn his skills off.
Current Team: Lena / Free Spirit Tieria / Vildred / Lots
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Achates, Mercenary Helga, Falconer Kluri, Cermia
I can't find ANY currently recommended parties for this hunt besides "use Roana". The summoned units listed came this outdated but still useful guide.
Fire Expedition
Current Team: None yet. Adventurer Ras / Commander Lorina / Taranor Guard / Tamarinne will be my team when it's in rotation.
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Rose
Water Expedition
Current Team: Vildred / Bellona / Iseria / Lots
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Falconer Kluri, Cidd, Lilika, Mercenary Helga, Iseria, Tamarinne
Earth Expedition
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Bellona / Mascot Hazel / Iseria
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Baal & Sezan, Cecilia, Mercedes, Zealot Carmainerose
Dark Expedition
Current Team: None yet. Adventurer Ras / Cermia / Iseria / Angelic Mortmorancy will be my team when it's in rotation.
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Cecilia, Falconer Kluri, Commander Lorina, Tamarinne
Light Expedition
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Cermia / Iseria / Vildred
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Zealot Carmainerose, Cecilia
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Vildred / Tamarinne / Iseria
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Kiris, Commander Lorina, Taranor Guard, Achates,
Currently pass level 60. Iseria and Tamarinne are 100% in the party and the core of most Abyss teams. Kiris comes in for a lot of hard battles and I REALLY need to gear her.
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Vildred / Angelic Montmorancy / Bellona
Do people still farm Labyrinth? I'm sure that I have a better combination of units for the maximum amount of fatigue points restored but I'm too lazy to figure that out.
PVP Offense
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Angelica / Adventurer Ras / Vildred
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Mort,
I AM NOT DOING WELL IN PVP AT THE MOMENT. I don't even know the names of about half the units I fight.
PVP Defense
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Angelica / Angelic Montmorancy / Vildred
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Same as above.
Guild War 1
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Angelica / Vildred
DREAM TEAM: Eaton / Dark Corvus / Silver Blade Aramintha
ML Aramintha might've been replaced with Seaside Bellona but regardless I remember having lots of fun with Eaton and Dark Corvus as tanks and a strong, annoying damage nuker.
Guild War 2
Current Team: Sigret / Angelic Montmorancy / Free Spirit Tieria
DREAM TEAM: Two Tanks + Seaside Bellona
As you can probably guess I am very behind on the current meta for guild wars.