Haven't unlocked Hell Raid (or whatever it's called) or Rift. Teams for Story Mode and Tower change too much for me so they won't be listed below.
Current Team: Angelica / Furious / Sigret / Muwi
I'm pretty sure I'm at a... 98% win rate here unless RNG really screws me over. I might add Chloe when/if I get her but I would also like to summon her artifact for her to equip... so for now this party is complete. If I'm at a point that I can clear it without Angelica I'll use Taranor Guard.
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Mascot Hazel / Tamarinne / Cermia
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Zealot Carmainerose, Khawana, Mercedes
i hate golem lmao
Current Team: Angelica / Angelic Montmorancy / Vivian / Bellona
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Ray, Lots, Jecht, Mercenary Helga, Silk
Yeeeah, my Banshee team isn't the best at the moment. Very fragile.
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Tamarinne / Iseria / Vildred
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Unbound Knight Arowell, Adventurer Ras, Falconer Kluri, Mercedes,
Vildred is definately staying in the party, just gotta remember to turn his skills off. A13 takes foreverrr for me right now.
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Tamarinne / Iseria / Vivian
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Achates, Mercenary Helga, Falconer Kluri, Cermia
I can't find ANY currently recommended parties for this hunt besides "use Roana". The summoned units listed came this outdated but still useful guide.
Fire Expedition
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Commander Lorina / Taranor Guard / Tamarinne
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Brieg
Water Expedition
Current Team: Vildred / Bellona / Vivian / Lots
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Falconer Kluri, Cidd, Lilika, Mercenary Helga, Iseria, Tamarinne
Earth Expedition
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Bellona / Mascot Hazel / Iseria
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Baal & Sezan, Cecilia, Mercedes, Zealot Carmainerose
Dark Expedition
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Cermia / Iseria / Angelic Mortmorancy
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Cecilia, Falconer Kluri, Commander Lorina, Tamarinne
Light Expedition
Current Team: Adventurer Ras / Cermia / Iseria / Vildred
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Zealot Carmainerose, Cecilia
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Vildred / Tamarinne / Iseria
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Kiris, Commander Lorina, Taranor Guard, Achates,
Currently pass level 60. Iseria and Tamarinne are 100% in the party and the core of most Abyss teams. Kiris comes in for a lot of hard battles and I REALLY need to gear her.
Current Team: Sinful Angelica / Free Spirit Tieria / Ainos 2.0 / Vivian
The highest camping fatique recovery of my current units. Weird party but 50 stamina restored is no joke. I REALLY need to gear Singelica and Ainos... also I could replace Tieria (I THINK) with Champion Zerato but he doesn't work well with Vivian's immunity buff.
PVP Offense
Current Team: Angelica / Adventurer Ras / Bellona / Sigret
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Mort, Belian, Empyrean Ilynav, Jenua, Young Senya, Choux, Alencia, Desert Jewel Basar, Crimson Armin, Brieg, Solitaria of the Snow, Unbound Knight Arowell, Cecilia
I AM NOT DOING WELL IN PVP AT THE MOMENT. I don't even know the names of about half the units I fight. And check out all those great units I have... that I need to gear and level and use molas on. And I only did RTA once and for some my underequipped and low level units didn't win! /s obviously
PVP Defense
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Angelica / Angelic Montmorancy / Adventurer Ras
Other Summoned Units to Consider: Same as above.
You basic 'stall until the enemy gets bored and forfeits' team. FOR SOME REASON IT'S NOT WORKING /s again :I
Guild War 1
Current Team: Dark Corvus / Angelica / Vildred
DREAM TEAM: Eaton / Dark Corvus / Silver Blade Aramintha
ML Aramintha might've been replaced with Seaside Bellona but regardless I remember having lots of fun with Eaton and Dark Corvus as tanks and a strong, annoying damage nuker.
Guild War 2
Current Team: Angelic Montmorancy / Sigret / Bellona
DREAM TEAM: Two Tanks + Seaside Bellona
As you can probably guess I am very behind on the current meta for guild wars.
Sicar Missions
The Survivor is the Victor
Wyvern Hunt 13 - Clear without any Ranger or Thief Heroes on the team.
Team: Angelica / Adventurer Ras / Taranor Guard / Sigret
Completed! Only took two tries and I think on my first try I forgot to gear Taranor Guard properly. taranor guard ftw btw
No Warriors, No Soul Weavers
Golem Hunt 13 - Clear without any Warrior or Soul Weaver Heroes on the team.
Nature Loving 3 * Heroes
Banshee Hunt 13 - Clear with four Starting 3 * Grade Earth elemental Heroes on the team.
The 3 * Squad
Azimanak Hunt 13 - Clear with four Starting 3 * Grade Heroes on the team.
A Journey of Three Knights
Wyvern Hunt 13 - Clear with three Knight heroes on the team.
Do We Really Need More People?
Golem Hunt 13 - Clear with two or fewer Heroes on the team.
Mages' Hunt Club
Banshee Hunt 13 - Clear with four Mage Heroes on the team.
A Mage and Thief's Bond
Azimanak Hunt 13 - Clear with two Thief Heroes and two Mage Heroes on the team.