To Do List
Speciality Changes
- Shepherd Jena (in progress)
- Chaos Inquisitor (in progress)
- Chaos Sect Axe
- Amiki (nowhere NEAR Chapter 5 so she'll take a while to get to!)
- Summer's Disciple Alexa
I'm not really familar with the episode 4 and 5 job changes yet. Alexa's is last due to the 960 Skystones needed to access her job change, which is bullshit. Adin will most likely turn into her light elemental form.
PVE Content
Finish up Chapter 2's AP Shops.
- Complete Labyrinths.
- Chapter
3 + 4 + 5
Was going to place a list of the Moonlight Theater and Side Stories that I haven't done yet but it's pretty much all of them LOL
As you could probably tell I'm no expert at the game but I did play my previous account for three years so... yeah, take this advice with a grain of salt. But it might help you...?
- For energy, I use leifs for hunts and skystones for rune drops, adventure mode and farming. Leifs should be used during drop events only! But I'm impatient and use them on farming without the buffs. :x I mean, use them however you want of course but if you don't want to spend money on the game I would advise you to keep an eye on how many leifs you have!
- For the new player's selective summon with a free 5 star hero, I HIGHLY recommend Vildred for PVE farming. If for some reason you don't want him (or are planning to get Arbiter Vildred for the Moonlight Summon I suppose?), Iseria is also a very good pick. Destina is the hero that everyone recommends now since she revives on her S3.
- Speaking of the Moonlight Summon, I know that everyone recommends Specter Tenebria but I went for Dark Corvus since he's
a bro a great tank for PVP. Honestly just choose who you want. Arbiter Vildred, like I said, is good for PVP and PVE and Ruele is a wonderful healer with invincibility.
- If you want to pull on a banner, summon away. Don't let the current meta stop you from enjoying the game! I would recommend looking up the character's role in the game so that you could utilize them better first.
- See all those speed sets listed for the characters? Yeah, you're gonna farm Wyvern hunts a LOT. Angelica, Sigret, and Furious are all free units that you'll get eventually and Muwi is a three star hero so hopefully you'll get him sooner than later. Alexa is also a good choice for Wyvern hunts, no need to complete her speciality change if you want to use her. If you're lucky enough to summon Chloe (regular, not Maid Chloe) her Magic Nail debuff is a great help.
- Recommended side stories to complete if you haven't summoned the character yet: TAMARINNE, Vildred, Iseria, Destina, Violet, Bellona, Choux. Tamarinne is also a free unit but you can get her connection quests when you complete one of the last stages in Chapter Two. Also, the banner is not a 100% guarantee summon, it's just an increased rate up banner that lasts for a week for whatever character you choose. You need four "books" to open up said banner.
- DO MONTMORANCY'S SPECIALITY CHANGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Ras' too but that happens at the end of Chapter Two so you'll have to wait a while. Lorina is also a worthwhile character to focus on as well.